When body clocks tell you it’s time, what does your bank account say?

For those in that stage of life trying to work out if it’s the right time for a child (or another child), here are 5 unexpected expenses of having a new baby in the family:


1. A Birth That Doesn’t Go as Planned

Does your insurance cover it? Do you have insurance? You may have researched the cost of childbirth and decided it’s very affordable, particularly in Asia. However, should complications arise, as they often do, be prepared for those medical bills to shoot straight up to the hundreds of thousands of dollars.

2. Loss of Income

Particularly in duel income families, one parent would certainly be looking to stop working or cut down their hours if they’re lucky enough to have a nanny.

3. Child Care

With expats, a grandparent isn’t usually a 20-minute drive away ready for babysitting duties. Childcare may be a weekend expense, or it may be full time, but either way the bills will be significant and consistent.

4. Baby gear

Take a quick look at Mothercare’s website and see how expensive all the little and large things that you’re going to need are. Nothing is a one-time purchase either, these little humans grow out of everything in a week.

5. Life Insurance

There is a new member in your family and they rely on you 100% for every little thing that makes us human. If one parent dies, how can the remaining parent continue to financially support the survivors? Life Insurance is something every family should have and having a new child is usually a trigger for starting or increasing life insurance.



So, there are just 5 of the many unexpected costs that are associated with having a child. If you believe that these costs aren’t so bad, here’s a bonus one for you:


Bonus Expense: Education

Just to get through lower/primary and high/secondary school you will be faced with years of constant tuition fees, books, travel, uniforms, lunch money and field trips.

If they then go to college/university you’ll have the burden of huge tuition fees, accommodation, food, beer money (let’s be honest), books and the list goes on.


We are not trying to discourage having a child, we just want to make sure you’re prepared. Is it time you speak with a financial planner?