The healthcare cost in Indonesia is cheap. Even at private hospitals that are considerably costly, you would only have to spend around $50 for a consultation fee. That cost can be much lower when you go to public hospitals or clinics. Since healthcare isn’t expensive, you may think why you would need health insurance when you can pay for medical expenses yourself. The advantage of obtaining health insurance in Indonesia is that you get low-cost health coverage. While general medical expenses are quite cheap, the cost can increase when you have more severe health issues. So health insurance can save you a significant amount of money in many cases.

Here are some of the factors you should consider before purchasing health insurance?

Obtaining health insurance isn’t as complex as you may think. You only have to know what to look for and where to look. Here, we’ll focus on the essential factors you should focus on before purchasing health insurance. The main purpose of buying health insurance isn’t saving money, but it’s more about managing your health expenses without going bankrupt when an unforeseen event occurs.

1.Coverage: Many health insurance buyers focus only on premiums or see how much they need to pay and then buy the cheapest plan available. However, it’s essential to look at the coverage you get when in the market to buy health insurance.

There are two primary things you need to consider about coverage:

• The first thing is the coverage limit or the maximum amount the insurance will pay per year. You can check the coverage limit you require by looking at the cost of treatment for severe diseases at your preferred hospital.

• Another thing you need to consider is the type of treatment covered by the insurance company. It’s essential to know if they cover the cost of medical evacuation, maternity, dental, or alternative treatments.


There is a list of exclusions in all health insurance plans. These are things that the insurer won’t pay for if you fall into one of these lists. For instance, if you’ve diabetes before applying for insurance, it’s likely that the insurer won’t pay for any treatment related to diabetes. Some insurance companies don’t pay for casualties or death caused by natural calamities.

3.Credibility: When you purchase health insurance, you have to ensure that the insurer will pay for your medical expenses. They need to have both good financial stability and a good rep. Therefore, it’s better to purchase insurance from a reliable company. Do research thoroughly if you haven’t heard of them before. Check their websites and read reviews. Now on to You What insurance should you choose? Well, the answer depends on your budget and requirements. If you’re planning to stay in Indonesia for less than a year, get travel insurance. Get local insurance from private companies if you want something better than public insurance. But if you need a comprehensive plan that you can hold onto when you relocate to another country, getting ex-pat health insurance in Indonesia is the best option.